2D 바코드 멸균 냉동 튜브와 랙

SBS Format 2D Barcoded Storage Tube & Rack Set, with PP Screwcap / TPE Plug, 0.5~1.4㎖Ideal for Cryogenic Storage, DNase-/RNase-/Endotoxin-free, 2D 바코드 멸균 냉동 튜브와 랙







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2D 바코드 멸균 냉동 튜브와 랙 Tube & Rack Set 바이알 멸균바이알 : 비전랩사이언스

2D 바코드 멸균 냉동 튜브와 랙 SBS Format 2D Barcoded Storage Tube & Rack Set, with PP Screwcap / TPE Plug, 0.5~1.4㎖Ideal for Cryogenic Storage, DNase-/RNase-/Endotoxin-




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